Room 109 News…

Happy Spring! 🙂

Hello Room 109 Families! We had a wonderful week together! A special “Thank You” to you all for attending your conferences with your child! They had so much fun talking to you about all they have accomplished so far! Have an amazing Spring Break and we will see you all back on Monday, April 3rd! Enjoy your family time!

Connect 4…Multiplication Style!!
Connect 4…Subtraction Style!! So many choices to play and improve our mental math skills!
3 Step Word Problems…Building with snap cubes helps us “see” our equations!
Make It Monday….Illustrate a picture of anything you love…Please write to me about it! Try and challenge yourself to compose at least 3 sentences!
Exploring so many puzzles!
We built one with all of our states!
Tic-Tac-Toe…A new version…Choose a number and cross off numbers when added together, equal the number of your choice! Use your strategies to try and block your opponent!
Using so many materials to design items we can use!
Drawing characters we love!
Lego Creations!
Geoboard designs! Can you name what you see?
It’s NOT a Gingerbread Person, It’s a Dragon!
It’s Not a Gingerbread Person, It’s a Parrot!
Dice Money Game…Roll the dice to see which coin matches! Add up all of your coins!
We built the ocean!
Tangram puzzles! Can you guess what mine is?

Happy, Happy Birthday Luna!

We hope all of your wishes come true for your 7th Birthday!! Thank you for inviting Mom in to read to our class in honor of your special day! Room 109 enjoyed all of the stories!

Enjoy your Class Birthday Book! We loved writing special messages to celebrate YOU! 🙂
Thank you for reading to us! We loved all of the stories!! Especially Nibbles!!
You were such a great helper Luna! 🙂

Our Wishtree.

1,277,777 Wish Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

We placed our wishes on our classroom tree! I hope all of your wishes come true Room 109!

Designing a plan in our journals of how we think Bongo and Red are going to help Samar with her wish!! Please discuss with your child what his/her plan was! 🙂

Book Fair Fun!

We enjoyed listening to Ms. Stephanie’s Book Talks! Now let the shopping begin! 🙂

Morning Meeting...

Another fun game added to our list! This time choose a stick with a letter or number which tells you what movement to do! Which one did you choose? A plank, high knees, lunges! All smiles here! 🙂


Always happy to enjoy a beautiful day outside! 🙂

Friendly Reminders…

*Please continue to send a healthy snack and water bottle with your child. As the weather changes please have your child dress appropriately for outside play.

*Blue folders are our designated “Take Home” folder. Be sure to check this folder for important notes and/or work from your child! Please have your child empty the folder each week.

*Please encourage your child to spend 15 minutes with Moby Max daily! This is a fun way to help us with our skills! Please let me know if your child is having difficulty with glitches in the system. If so, I will reach out to our Moby Max Rep for guidance. Thank you!

As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please reach out to me via email!


Ms. Lisa 🙂

Room 109 News…

Hello Room 109 Families! We have had another busy week together! Last week we began our new class novel called, you guessed it…Wishtree! We discovered our new novel during our morning meeting game! We guessed which letters created the title and put it altogether! This novel is our school wide read-aloud. Every class will be reading it together before May 1st as this is a special day which is mentioned in our novel and we are discovering why it is so special! We are enjoying writing and illustrating in our journals about predictions and our personal thoughts! Our questions of the day are also a way of checking in on what we are understanding! In other important news…Room 109 just sent off our first class book to be published! Yay!! We should be receiving it in April!

Question of the day….What could you do to be helpful to Samara in Wishtree?
Designing our wishes to create Shrinky Dinks!
After! Can’t wait to hang them on our tree in our classroom!
Our journal entry about the Wishtree…We are curious about the key and what purpose it will serve! Hmmmm?

PI Day Celebration!

On Tuesday this week 3/14 we celebrated PI Day! We had many challenges throughout the day such as Roll the 1st Digits of PI (Inspired by the game Tenzie), How many times can we create PI using dice in 3 minutes and 14 seconds?!? Our morning math challenge included the question, “Have you seen 3.14 before? What can you tell me about it?” We watched the story Sir Cumference And The First Round Table. We are beginning to understand what circumference and diameter mean in relation to PI.

PI Dice Game inspired by Tenzie! Be the first to roll all 10 numbers!
How many times can we roll 3.14 using our dice in 3 minutes and 14 seconds?!?
Measuring objects that we noticed were all circular! Some of us measured around (circumference) and some of us measured across the object (diameter)
Pictures made of dots and circles!
Hmmm…I figured out how to measure this object! It was challenging because it is a sphere!

Happy Birthday, Vasiliki!

Happy Birthday to our friend, Vasiliki! We hope all of your dreams come true for your 7th Birthday!! Thank you to Mrs. Prutos for reading books to our class in honor of Vasiliki’s special day!

Happy, Happy Birthday!! 🙂
Vasiliki picked out 2 special books for her Mom to read to us! 🙂
Everyone is listening and enjoying the fun story time!
Room 109’s tradition is to make each classmate a Birthday Book! Each of us write and illustrate a special page dedicated to the Birthday Friend!

Portfolio Work!

Room 109 has been busily preparing for our conferences next week! We are choosing some of our favorite pieces to share with our families! Taking time to reflect on what our goals are continues to be important for us all!!

Amazing performance Room 109! So proud of you! 🙂

Friendly Reminders…

Image result for picture of friendly reminders

*Please continue to send a healthy snack and water bottle with your child. The weather is cold! But we do go out when it’s appropriate so please continue to send warm winter clothing for outside play.

* If you have not already signed up for a slot for conferences, please do! Your child is working very hard to prepare and share all that he/she has accomplished!

Spring Conferences 2023: March 22nd and March 23rd

Sign Up Here: Spring Conferences Sign Up 2023 

*Blue folders are our designated “Take Home” folder. Be sure to check this folder for important notes and/or work from your child! Please have your child empty the folder each week.

*Please encourage your child to spend 15 minutes with Moby Max daily! This is a fun way to help us with our skills!

As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please reach out to me via email!


Ms. Lisa 🙂

Room 109 News…

St. Baldricks OKC

Hello Room 109 Families! We have had a wonderful week together! We ended our week with good, positive energy as we celebrated Leo Bolos and his journey while also supporting the St. Baldrick’s Foundation! Thank you to all who participated! Our school created special notes to welcome Leo back to Plato!

All smiles here as our class wrote special messages to Leo!
We love to be creative and add a little “sparkle” to all that we do! 🙂
Our question of the day…What is your wish for Leo? 🙂
Excitedly awaiting Leo’s arrival to school!
Ms. Maria explaining the significance of the bell…Leo’s journey is complete! 🙂
Ringing the bell! Way to go Leo!!!
Mr. Chris’s class set up fun activities for the school to do in gym today in honor of Leo’s return!
Dance Party!
Crafting corner!
Cheering on our classmates Aaron, Billy and Sam!
Congrats boys! You look amazing!

Our “Some Class” Presentations!

Room 109 read aloud their letters to their classmates! Everyone enjoyed hearing what was so special about each of them! We worked on using a projecting voice, making eye contact with our audience and placing our paper so our face could be seen by all when we spoke. 🙂 Bravo Room 109! I loved listening to all of your letters, your kind words and how you found similarities in your personalities! You really are SOME CLASS!!!!

Acrostic Poem Challenge!

We discussed all we know thus far about poems…sometimes there are rhyming words, some are short/long, some tell a story and are present in songs we know! Below are some of our examples! We created one as a class about Wilbur. We then applied what we learned to write one about each one of us!

Room 109 came up with amazing adjectives to describe Wilbur to practice creating an Acrostic Poem!

Ms. Stephanie’s Visit!

As always we enjoyed Ms. Stephanie’s visit to our class! Her read-aloud was Eyes that Kiss in the Corners… This lyrical, stunning picture book tells a story about learning to love and celebrate your Asian-shaped eyes, in the spirit of Hair Love by Matthew A. Cherry, and is a celebration of diversity. Room 109 was taken back by the beautiful pictures! Ms. Stephanie also discussed how our eyes can show the emotions we are feeling!

Coloring our flowers…The center has a scratch off that states something special! Ask your child what message he/she received!
Voting on which book so far we like the best that Ms. Stephanie has read to us! Ask your child which one he/she chose!

Balance Number Talk

Image result for monster number talk
Our helpful monster for our number talk!

This week with Mindset Math we explored the big idea…Equal means the SAME! 🙂 In partners we solved number puzzles by working to balance both sides of the equations so they are equal! Once we understood the concept, we then created our own for our classmates to solve!

Making sure we have the answer for our number puzzle!
Working together to create 2 different equations!
We solved all of our number puzzles! Hooray! 🙂

True or False Equations!

We were given equations to determine if they were true or false based on concepts we are learning! We also challenged ourselves to make an equation True if it was false! Some questions which helped guide us through the process were: Why might this be true? Why might this be false? How could we prove whether it is true or false?

Choice Time!

In our math journals we reflected on what does the equal sign mean and wrote an example!
Are our equations True or False?
Wishtree Bookmarks! Write your wish on the back so you may always keep it with you!
Mr. Squiggles….What can you create with different lines!
Snap cube challenges! Working to solve a multi-step problem!
Which Tangrams did you use for your puzzle? How many of each did you use?
How many different ways can you express the “Number of the Day?”
Designing materials for our store! 🙂
Working together to steady our design!
It’s NOT a Shamrock, It’s Ice-Cream! Great thinking! 🙂
Snap Cube Designs…2D to 3D objects!
Our design is balanced!!
During our morning meeting we played the game of charades that Billy and Aaron created for their final project! We all had so much fun! 🙂

Cover Designing!

We are in the process of publishing a class book! Those who wanted to create the cover submitted their designs and our class voted! I am so proud of everyone who submitted their ideas! Below are the designs that will be featured in our class book!

Our cover of our book!
Our title page!
Our dedication page! We will be adding to whom we will dedicate our book to!
Our Meet The Author’s Page! Each classmate will also write their name and we will add a class picture. 🙂

*Please continue to send a healthy snack and water bottle with your child. The weather is cold! But we do go out when it’s appropriate so please continue to send warm winter clothing for outside play.

* Conference sign-up available in Ms. Maria’s notes. 🙂

*Blue folders are our designated “Take Home” folder. Be sure to check this folder for important notes and/or work from your child! Please have your child empty the folder each week.

*Please encourage your child to spend 15 minutes with Moby Max daily! This is a fun way to help us with our skills!

As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please reach out to me via email!


Ms. Lisa 🙂

Room 109 News…

Hello Room 109 Families!

We have been busy little spiders in our classroom this week! Our choice board project for our Novel, Charlotte’s Web is complete! We all worked very hard during this process. We learned about drafting and how it’s important to record ideas first before creating a final copy of our work. We were thrilled to share our final projects with our classmates! These final projects will be displayed during conferences in our room!

Our choice was…Word Smart! Our challenge was to choose one of Charlotte’s 3 daughters mentioned at the end of our novel and write a story about her life after leaving the barn!
Taking our time to illustrate each part of our story to match our words!
Our finished stories! So proud of you ladies! 🙂 Our title’s are…Nelly’s Rocket Ship and Araea’s Fieldtrip!
Room 109 is enjoying the story!
Our choice was…Body Smart! Our challenge was to choose 10 vocabulary words from the book and come up with a “charades” move for each word! You will lead the game for our class to play!
Laminating our charade cards after we have finished designing them!
We will be playing our new Charade game during our morning meeting next week!
We chose…Art Smart! Our challenge was to redesign the cover of “Charlotte’s Web” which featured an important event from the story!
And we added to the back of the cover…Meet the Ilustrator!
Wilbur And The Eggs!
Wilbur And Charlotte Are Friends!
Some Pig!
Wilbur’s Miracle!
Kind Pig!
We chose…Music Smart! Our challenge was to write a song about one of the main characters and include important events the character was a part of! We made our own beats!
Listening to the sounds of possible instruments!

Room 109 focused on understanding what the “Theme” means in a story. We discovered it is a message or lesson you can learn from the story. Some guiding questions that helped us were “What message did you take away from the story?” “What did the author want you to learn?” We discussed as a class that Charlotte’s Web had a few important messages such as “Be Kind”, “Anything is possible” and “Friendship…what it means to be a good friend!” Our Barn Books that we created helped to organize our thoughts about Charlotte, Wilbur and the Theme of our novel! We enjoyed making and sharing our ideas about them!

Great Friend Frame!

One of the ways Charlotte was such a wonderful friend to Wilbur in our novel is she wrote amazing adjectives about Wilbur in her web which saved his life! The first one she wrote was…SOME PIG! We were inspired to write about our “SOME CLASS”! Each child chose a name at random and designed a Great Friend Frame! Our guiding questions to help us brainstorm ideas were…”Why is this person a good friend?” “What is your favorite thing about this person?” I loved all of their amazing thoughts about their classmates. They each put much thought into why each person is an amazing friend!

One of our questions this week was…”What makes a good friend?”
Examples of our Friend Frame!

I Spy… Card Game

We challenged ourselves to a new card game! I spy which encourages us to create an equation or rule for our partner to find the answer to with the cards. Lots of great ideas…I spy a card that has the number which will answer the equation 2×2!

Image result for picture of greater than less than monsters

Exploring Greater Than/Less Than/Equal To…

Room 109 had fun exploring the concept of greater, lesser and equal! We used dice, cards and movements to help us understand!

We have so much fun using our white boards! And bonus we get to illustrate our value monsters!
Writing equations using our symbols!
Which way should we flip our symbol?
Who rolled the greater/lesser or equal amount?

Library Visits…

We absolutely LOVE our library visits! So many interesting books to check out and read! We also take time to look for books that are a “good fit” for our reading level! The Librarians there really enjoy when Room 109 visits! We are so appreciative of their help!

Choice Time!

We all helped in making a very special Happy Birthday card for Ms. Maria! She loved it! 🙂
What can you design out of LEGOs that begins with the letter M?
Art Hub Character Drawings!
Designing two-story marble runs!
We are embracing our inner “Templeton” character from Charlotte’s Web and searching for letters to create our name for our spiders!
Amazing to see so many different designs each day!
Morning Meeting Game…What’s My Rule? A favorite by one of our classmates who is leading the game!
What can you design with 20 or more tiles?
Math Journaling! Explaining how to create a data display with words and illustrations!

Games Galore!

Room 109 really enjoys our gaming centers! Choose a friend, choose a game and let’s have fun!! 🙂

Charades! One of our favorite games!
Always looking to improve our strategies!

Charlotte’s Web Viewing and Spidery Snacks!

We really enjoyed the movie version of Charlotte’s Web! We noticed some differences between our novel and the movie! Please discuss what your child noticed with differences! Our snack was successful and enjoyed by all! 🙂

Spidery Spirit! 🙂
Putting together our spidery snacks on our “web”!
We did it!! Each of our spiders had 8 legs (pretzel sticks) and a body (Oreo cookie)
We are all cozy and enjoying the movie!

*Please continue to send a healthy snack and water bottle with your child. The weather is cold! But we do go out when it’s appropriate so please continue to send warm winter clothing for outside play.

*Blue folders are our designated “Take Home” folder. Be sure to check this folder for important notes and/or work from your child! Please have your child empty the folder each week. The March Book Order for Scholastic is in blue folders and due by 3/5.

*Please encourage your child to spend 15 minutes with Moby Max daily! This is a fun way to help us with our skills!

*Please read Ms. Maria’s Parent Notes! This week discusses St. Baldrick’s, Conference Sign-Up and much more! 🙂

As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please reach out to me via email!


Ms. Lisa 🙂